Letter to my future self…

I’m thrilled to be participating in a five day ‘LOL-a-thon’ organised by ‘The Momsteins’. Join us to read some wonderful letters written by 26 cool bloggers. Stay around to read some amazing letters coming up. Today’s prompt is Letter to self…

Hi mommy 

Hope you are doing good. Hope you are taking care of yourself . You must be busy with your son .

Hope you have stop taking serious what other people talk about you. It’s of no use.

You must be independent by now , started making your own money like you used to be before you got married.

You must be taking your decision yourself .

You must have stop cribbing when you lost your little stuff. 

Above all hope you are same from heart as you have always been. You are keeping your innocence , your love for your dear ones , your honesty with you always.

You are maintaining your relations perfectly as you used to. And most important you are taking care of your son in the best possible manner as you can like you have did since he was born.

You should take less stress in life. Everything happens for reason. You should stop stressing about situations. It affected your health in past and it will if keep stressing. So be happy.

Also now you are taking out time for your hobbies too as you stopped after having baby.

You should know your family your dear ones love you a lot they are always with you in your happy or sad times. Always remember your roots , be down to earth no matter what you achieve.
With lots of love,

From the younger Pavneet

I would like to thank Sumira for introducing me. You can read her post here http://cuckoosnest-sumira.blogspot.com.au/?m=1
I would also like to introduce my fellow blogger Dr. Pooja, you can read her wonderful post on the prompt here https://thebanterinmyhead.wordpress.com/